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Camilla Kline is a 19 year old transsexual dyke. Her primary passions are poetry and community organizing. The idea for the zine came from a few sources of inspiration.  She had long observed a lack of space for trans fems to safely converse about their sexualities and noticed that when those conversations do happen, they are often filled with shame and awkwardness. Reading historical trans zines like Fucking Trans Women, Transsisters, Transvestia, and Gender Trash was another inspiration. She was also inspired by second-wave feminist consciousness-raising sessions, which were oriented around particular topics and enabled women to have meaningful conversations about their particular experiences in the world and create language to express feminist concerns. There is a great need for transfeminist consciousness raising in the world, it is high time that all trans fems recognize the need to see themselves socially and politically as first and foremost trans fem in order to organize, promote solidarity, and ensure that our particular concerns are recognized by lgbtqia+, trans, and feminist umbrella coalition politics. Individual conversations with other trans fems about sex have been more influential on how Camilla lives with her body than nearly anything else and she wants to create community space for these conversations to happen in group settings and publications.    

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