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A Trans fem Sexual cookboook

Welcome to Fucking Trans Fems

Fucking trans fems is a zine about the sexual lives of trans fem folx. This zine dreams of making you feel fulfilled and whole in your body. It longs to create the language for trans fems to express ourselves sexually on our own terms. We accept submissions from all trans fems and our lovers. Submissions can take the form of personal stories, essays, instructions, particular experiences, poems, diagrams, or art. You could write about what you hate, about what makes you feel good, about what makes you feel like yourself. What makes you feel uncomfortable? What makes you forget that nothing else exists except you and your partner? How do we inhabit bodies we have been taught to see as inadequate? There is not enough language around our bodies, and by working together to create a contemporary sex zine by and for trans fems, we begin to give ourselves the tools to reclaim our bodies and sexualities and have better sex. No one but you is qualified to write the story of your body. Send your submissions to or reach out to get involved or for more information. Follow @fuckingtransfemmes on insta to keep up with things.

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